Top designation signals capacity to conduct high-quality research

Thursday, February 13, 2025
Two men, seen from behind, stand in front of a wall of computer visualization

UNH retained its R1 classification for highest research activity from the Carnegie Classification of Institutions of Higher Education, the organization announced today, securing its spot among the nation’s most productive research universities.

“UNH stands out for its robust research enterprise and steadfast focus on bringing ideas to impact,” UNH President Elizabeth S. Chilton said. “The R1 classification highlights the strength and innovation of our research community to funders, students and the people of New Hampshire.”

Designation as an R1 university, which UNH first achieved in 2019, indicates to federal and state agencies, private foundations and philanthropists, business and industry that UNH has the capacity to conduct high-quality research and education. It also boosts efforts to attract talented undergraduate and graduate students, post-doctoral researchers, faculty and staff.

“The R1 classification highlights the strength and innovation of our research community to funders, students and the people of New Hampshire.”

“Maintaining UNH’s place among the nation’s highest-performing research universities is a powerful testament to the innovative, relentless work of our researchers,” said Marian McCord, UNH senior vice provost for research, economic engagement and outreach. “I’m proud of all the work members of our research community have done to bolster our culture of discovery and impact.”

UNH’s research infrastructure has an economic impact of more than $518 million, supports and sustains 2,383 New Hampshire jobs, and generates $17.3 million in local and state tax revenues. Harnessing funding from federal agencies and elsewhere, UNH researchers are mapping uncharted parts of the Arctic to expand the nation’s sovereign waters, mitigating the impact of the “forever chemical” PFAS in drinking water, monitoring and predicting solar storms that interfere with satellite technology and identifying disease-carrying ticks. Initiatives such as the newly launched Space Tech Hub and the Biotechnology Innovation Center at UNH  Manchester extend the University’s research infrastructure and expertise to accelerate growing sectors of the state’s economy. 

The Carnegie Classification, a quantitative analysis updated every three years, is the leading framework for categorizing and describing the nearly 4,000 colleges and universities in the United States. Carnegie Classifications updated its methodology in 2025 to use a clear threshold to define the highest research designation, now called R1: Very High Research Spending and Doctorate Production. In the new methodology, R1 universities are those that annually spend $50 million in research and graduate 70 research doctoral students. Just 187 institutions in the nation earned R1 status this year.

 “We are proud of the incredible work our doctoral students do to advance our institution’s research mission. They provide the talent, energy, and creativity to accelerate UNH’s formidable cultural, economic and intellectual engine,” said Ashby Kinch, vice provost and dean of the Graduate School. “The Carnegie designation affirms for the state, region, nation and world what we already know: UNH is a small but mighty research powerhouse that serves as a destination for excellent faculty and graduate students, who inspire their undergraduate students to do meaningful work that improves society. We look forward to sustaining that work in the years to come.”

UNH researchers secured $252 million in competitive external funding in FY24, more than doubling its funding level since 2019. That funding supports more than 1,000 projects that address pressing challenges in New Hampshire and across the globe and expand our understanding of land, sea and space. In 2024 UNH also awarded 79 doctoral degrees to students who are now accelerating discoveries in academia or industry.


Jeremy Gasowski | UNH Marketing | | 603-862-4465